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The free association method has many advantages

The messenger client notes the following problems: Alternative corporate messengers The Yandex Messenger app is an option for aspiring entrepreneurs or small teams that need a basic set of functions. However, this corporate messenger is far from the only one. Now let’s look at several analogues that usually have slightly more functions than Yandex Messenger.

Compass The messenger is available and works on

Compass is a secure corporate messenger with a clear interface and a wide range of functions. It helps companies: organize business communication: create spaces panama phone number library and chats for teams; increase the efficiency of your team’s work through convenient functions: threads, reactions, mentions; solve work problems; optimize and structure business processes. People mistakenly believe that their thoughts are both logical and easily controlled.

However, in reality the situation is different

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Let’s consider a simple example: a person is trying to concentrate on work, but he is not able to do it. The problem is that his mind is overwhelmed with thoughts about a recent conflict with a friend. Unconscious thoughts, emotions and ideas are often hidden in a person’s head. To help a person achieve awareness, psychologists have developed a method of free association.

In this article, we will tell you

What this method is, who introduced it into psychology and you will say that our work is not like that how it is used in practice. You are reading the magazine Compass – a messenger for effective and safe teamwork. Learn more about Compass What is the free association method? Psychoanalysis studies what is hidden in the subconscious. The main tool of psychoanalysis is the method of free association.

Its goal is to overcome the barriers

Rrational thinking and get to the secrets that are stored in the human snbd host psyche. The free association method is a technique in psychoanalysis in which the patient expresses any thoughts, memories and sensations that arise during the conversation. It quickly reveals key issues and allows for a deep understanding of the client’s inner world. However, its effectiveness depends on the client’s level of trust in the psychoanalyst. In the process of working with the association method, the psychoanalyst allows the patient to talk about what comes to mind.