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You will say that our work is not like that

Yes, but do you want to do it quickly and with quality, or do you want to spend all day on it and still not finish it. In a more figurative way, concentration is transferring yourself to an uninhabit island where there are no people, no internet, just you and your task. You will do it again in civilization. Wise people don’t waste time.

Create your own system

Over a longer period of time, you will feel what helps you to work efficiently, what time of day is the best time to do what work. If the time is good for female number data calling customers, don’t waste it on writing proposals or consulting with colleagues. Morning or evening hours are ideal for this. Systems are good because they work automatically, don’t burden you with hesitation and save time. Use the 20/80 principle when designing your system.

special data

Do not forget that 20 percent 80% of effort is creat result and vice versa

When we try to work as much as possible, we usually do nothing of value. Distractions, putting out “fires”, and tasks with low value do not bring results, they just take a lot of time. By focusing on the important work, we will complete it dive into this essential guide efficiently and quickly. Yes, we get more by doing less. We will win time for rest and peace of mind. The key is to identify that 20 percent. most important works. It is useful to answer the questions: What actions bring the greatest benefit? That activities ruce work productivity? Thich problems can cause the most damage?

Which options produce the most results?

Which customers are most important? What is more important, calling an old customer or finding a new one? Remember, less is more. Having buying house b fewer large clients will always yield more benefits than having many and any. Stay away from work in the evening . Let your brain rest. Worrying about your backlog won’t spe things up. Instead, take a few minutes to reflect on what you could have done better, write it down, and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Only a fool expects a different result by doing the same thing. Post navigation Sweepest is the largest online contest platform in Lithuania Development of public relations projects.

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