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This gives the specialist access to hidden and important

The latter does this without holding back his feelings and emotions. This approach helps the patient express hidden feelings and thoughts. The specialist writes down everything the patient says and then analyzes this data. The free flow of words allows the psychologist to obtain a lot of important information. These materials help to understand the complex processes of the human psyche more deeply.

Using the method of free association

The psychoanalyst penetrates into the unconscious. In paraguay phone number library this way, he understands the patient’s personality and helps to find ways for his further development. History of the association method Francis Galton was the first psychologist to use the free association method. He tested this technique on himself. Galton chose 75 words. He wrote each of them on a separate card.

Then he took one card and looking at it

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Wrote down all the thoughts and emotions that arose. Source wordassociations.net Thus, the author of the method came to the conclusion that all associations accurately reflect the essence of human thoughts. The word “association” comes from the Latin term “connection”. In psychology, it means a spontaneous connection between different objects or phenomena from reality and imagination. These connections arise under the influence of words, smells, sounds and other factors.

The main popularizer of the free association

Method was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. He actively used this technique in his practice for many years. Freud argued that the human dive into this essential guide psyche is divided into the conscious and the unconscious. Working with the conscious level often leads to logical but superficial answers. The unconscious contains deep problems that people are not even aware of. The free association method removes all these restrictions.

During the associative experiment

A person does not analyze or filter his words.  layers of his mental snbd host characteristics. Thus, the psychologist can more deeply understand and analyze the patient’s subconscious problems. How does the association method work? Let us take a closer look at how a psychoanalyst works with a patient using the free association method. A person comes to a psychoanalyst with a specific request or problem.