Home » Collect customer feedback with these pop-up examples and questions

Collect customer feedback with these pop-up examples and questions

People’s experiences and opinions are always highly valued! so as an online marketer and aspiring entrepreneur! you should fully consider them.

Collecting customer feedback about your website can be really easy and at the same time hugely beneficial if done right.

The easiest way to collect customer feedback for your website is to use survey popups ! incredibly popular windows that unexpectedly ask your visitors different questions and collect valuable data.

Of course! to be as effective as possible! you need to ask the right questions. To help you do that! we’ve selected these amazing pop-up examples and questions that you can use to improve your business.

So let’s get started!

“How did you hear about us?” Pop-up customer survey to find out where they came from

This is a basic question that can help you find out whether a visitor found out about you through a friend! a colleague! or perhaps through social media.

This is also a very useful question if you want to track and measure your marketing effectiveness or find out which tactics you should use more often to better promote your business.

You can either ask How did you hear about us? or How did you find us today? to find out where your customers are coming from. The goal is the same.

When it comes to these types of questions! vietnam girl whatsapp number it’s best not to give your visitors a lot of options! as doing so will most likely not provide you with any new insights.

The point of this survey is to collect some new information! so create a simple single field and give your visitors the opportunity to write their own answer.

As we can see from the example above! the design of the pop-up itself matches the design of the website! which is a must if you want to look professional and be recognizable.

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To make it easier for you to create beautiful pop-ups

that will captivate your visitors and grab their attention! try the Poptin tool .

This tool is easy to use and has numerous customization options that will help you create amazing pop-ups and design them accordingly.

The drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily add or remove specific elements and fields! change colors! sizes! fonts! and more.

Your pop-ups will be ready to use in just a few minutes

Of course! all you need to do is add a simple “Submit” button to let your visitors know what to do next! and you’ll see that collecting valuable collect customer feedback with these pop-up examples and questions responses will never be easier.

It doesn’t have to be complicated to get amazing results! but you can still always test your pop-ups and make some improvements if needed.

Exit-Intent Popup Survey to Find Out Why No Action Was Taken on Your Website

This is a great way to find out why your website hasn’t. Been getting your visitors to make a purchase or take any action at all.

The best way to find the problem is to ask directly. As this will help you find out what your website is missing or if. The problem might be due to a lack of necessary information or something else.

Maybe part of the purchasing process adb directory our website is confusing for your users. Maybe they think your prices are excessive! but the easiest way to find out what’s stopping them is to ask them at the right moment.

Exit-intent popups are an amazing solution because. They appear to your visitors at the exact moment they express their intention to leave your website.

Before you click the “Exit” button! you can ask for clarification. Asking the right question can improve the visitor experience.

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