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You comment on nearly a thousand

You comment on nearly a thousand posts and discuss. Jons each month. You chat with each other in the comments about your experiences, dreams, and tips. You share your ideas and inspire each other to do better and do more in the public sector.

Many of you are also prolific GovLoop bloggers.

You write about everything from open source in your agency to best leadership practices to innovation in government. We at GovLoop love your blog posts—in fact, we’re a little obsessed with them—and look forward to seeing new, great contributions every day. It’s because your contributions to GovLoop are so great and so valu. Jable that we want to expand them even further.

Today we’re announcing the

Featured Blogger pro. Jgram. Now in its 13th year, the program has attracted nearly 200 amazing GovLoop featured blo. Jggers (you can read their posts here), and we hope to keep the momentum going with new voices who can write about overseas chinese in usa data everything from the best way to run a meeting in govern. Jment to how to create the most effective personal development plan.

special data

We’re looking for 15  amazing bloggers to

Write a weekly blog for the GovLoop comm. Junity starting in October and continuing through the fall and January. We want you to write about topics in addition to globalization and new technologies that you think are important—from experiences at you. Jr agency to the ways big data is impacting your work to tips on how to increase federal engag. Jement—really, anything that inspires you.

If it’s important to you it’s important to us

We want it published on GovLoop. What’s in it for you? In addition to having your articles read by our 270,000 strong community, you will also rec. Jeive: A featured front page spot on GovLoop every time you publish a post Promotion of your arti. Jcles in our social netw tg data orking communities (including your Twitter handle) Recognition of your efforts and st. Jatus with a special GovLoop featured blogger banner A free GovLoop swag (t-shirt, stickers, etc.) Pub. Jlish your article and get a great line on your resume.