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Website searchAs we round the last quarter of 2017

I wanted to offer a new program and test out some ideas. One of the things we do is create custom websites for people and businesses. Usually, these sites start at around $3,000 and go up depending on the functionality they incorporate. However, I know that many people do not need a full-scale site like this – they only need a Starter Site – you do not need all the bells and whistles, but you do need something that is professional looking.

This new program we are testing out is NOT for everyone

In fact, we are only opening it to a handful qatar phone number data of people. We are going to be building custom STARTER websites for 5 people. These are small and very affordable websites. After all, you know the importance of having a site – when you meet someone that you may be doing business with, the first thing they will be doing is search the internet for you and your website.

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Imagine if you don’t have a site yet

When sharing your email address, nothing screams the development and maintenance of lack of professionalism as an email address like [email protected], [email protected], or even [email protected]. You need to have an email address with your website. Your website should include pages such as Home Page, About Page, Services, Blog, and a Contact Us page.

This special offer will include that. Content is King! Your tg data site should have a blog and should provide information that people want – quality content to keep them coming back for more. This will help get your traffic and visibility. The process to build your site will be easy with us – you won’t have to worry about getting hosting, or a domain name, or how to design the website. And it will be about a 1/3 of the cost of the sites we build.

I will guide you through the process with templates to help you know what to put on the site! If you are interested in this, hit reply and I can provide you with some more information. Like I said, this is not for everyone, it is a starter website at a very economical fee and will get you up and running before the new year! Click here to request more information!

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