I simply believe that there are some important points for improvement when it comes to contacting bloggers. If they are put into practice, they will increase the success rate. Let’s say that it is constructive criticism , as I also like to receive from readers when they tell me the points I need to improve on this blog. Like most bloggers, I get a lot of emails from agencies. Unfortunately, 90% of them are a waste of time. The m
Sending unwanted newsletters to the blogger
8. Not establishing prior relationships with target bloggers 9 Leave contact with bloggers to interns 10 Contact irrelevant bloggers to achieve your goals Ask for a follow to send a direct message Many agencies forget that communication should not be easy for you, but for the person you are trying to contact . Just because Twitter is your preferred channel doesn’t mean it is for the blogger. 140 characters don’t go far. You have two better ways to
but working for free. Our time is worth
money just like yours. If you want to understand why I am not going to publish your press release, you can read this . Do not use the blogger’s name when writing the email It is disrespectful, uncaring and lacking in detail not to personalize emails to bloggers. It is not that difficult to find out each person’s name. How would you feel if they belgium whatsapp number data called you “Hey you” because the simple “Hello” without anything else has that effect? Assume that the press release is of interest to its readers “We have published a press release that is highly relevant to your readers.” Of course, because you say so. What is relevant or not is decided by the blogger. 99% of press releases are not relevant to the target audience because they are simply not interesting and there is no substance behind them. It is normal that for you it is relevant.
It is your client or your company.
Keep in mind that there are very different perspectives on the same issue . Do not respond to the blogger when he makes a commercial 7 ways to reduce your bounce rate proposal Sometimes I make the effort to respond to emails and make them a proposal to distribute them, but as a service. To put it bluntly: paying. In 90% of cases I don’t receive any response to these emails. Since you contact me and I am polite enough to respond, you could say ”
Ideally, only one person should be in charge
of the task . Sending unwanted newsletters to the blogger After receiving a first proposal for “Collaboration” from an agency, I usually buying house b end up in one of three cases in the agency’s newsletter . This, ladies and gentlemen, is called spam . Luckily, I am a pacifist and I don’t waste time on these matters. I unsubscribe and that’s it. But be careful, there are a lot of angry and spiteful bloggers out there who