Up measurement aids to detect each type of user will be vital tools in this automatic classification of cookies and users. In addition, classifying content and incorporating events that help us know if content is consum and lik will allow you to know how much, how and with what interest each type of user consumes the different content on the website.
Outside of Google Analytics
Qualitative tools such as navigation videos, heat maps and surveys will add the finishing touches to this knowlge. Not only will this help you improve the user experience on your website, but it will also allow you to fine-tune your marketing and band database communication strategies for each user segment , of your efforts and ultimately improving your booking and loyalty results.
Apply the lessons learn to the rest of the channels
The direct channel (your website, your booking engine, your reservations) is where all the data is. It is a great platform to experiment, test and get to this app will allow us to keep threats know your customers and potential customers.
This is the ideal scenario where you can learn what makes you interesting and what is not working properly . When you see that your economic offers do not work, that the upgrades you offer are not enough, that your activities in the hotel do not attract attention or that some of the multimia material does not give the impression of a quality product or environment.
You will have your own website to quickly
Correct everythingBut not only that, this experimentation will help you to model your offer for the rest of your suppliers and channels . It is not about snbd hosthaving exactly the same content or the same offer appear on the website and in other services (in fact, that is something undesirable) but rather that the great insights that only the direct channel is capable of giving, help you to modulate the rest of your sales strategy.