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The ideal structure should be flat

Design a logical site architecture and optimize content organization through directory structure. In Google optimization, a clear site structure can help search engines crawl and understand your content more easily.  and no page should be more than 3-4 clicks from the homepage. Using breadcrumb navigation can not only improve user experience, but also help Google understand the hierarchy of the website.

3. Avoid content homogenization and ensure

that each page provides unique value. In Google optimization strategy, avoiding content duplication is crucial. Each page should have its unique theme and purpose. If similar content must be us , consider using a canonical tag to indicate to Google which version is the preferr version.

Google optimizers should also consider using structur data, such as Schema.org markup, to help Google better understand your content. For example, for product pages, you can use Product Schema; for articles, you can use Article Schema. These markups can help your content get richer display in search results, such as featur snippets, rating stars, etc.

The Importance of a Consistent User Experience

Make sure that the web pages crawl by search engines are consistent with the web pages visit by users. Use the URL inspection tool of Google Search Console to monitor the crawling of Google crawlers to ensure the consistency of user experience. Providing a consistent user experience bc data taiwan  is crucial in Google optimization. This not only involves consistency in content, but also consistency across devices. Make sure your website provides a good user experience on both desktop and mobile devices. Google’s mobile-friendly test tool can help check the performance of your website on mobile devices.

Special data

Google optimization should also consider

the loading spe and interactivity of the website. Use  through highly targete campaigns Google’s PageSpe ​​Insights and Core Web Vitals reports to monitor and optimize these aspects. Good user experience can not only increase conversion rates, but also r uce bounce rates, which are important indicators in Google optimization.

Content Indexing Control
Control search engine indexing behavior  uk data  through robots.txt specifications and meta robots tags to prevent unwant content from appearing in search results. In Google optimization strategies, using these tools properly can help you better control what content should be index .

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