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The art of loyalty in the B2B industry

Gaining customer loyalty is becoming more and more difficult, because people, whether in their role as manager, boss or assistant, are constantly being impact by loyalty actions. Because of this, it is essential that the loyalty strategy is focus on your own business, since you will be able to generate the loyalty actions that will differentiate you.


How do we achieve this?


First, you ne to know your customers’ roles in depth: identify who is an operator of your product or a user of your service, who is a manager, and who is a director. Once you achieve this, you must determine what they value, what south korea phone number library brings them closer to success, and how they define it, among a series of questions. With this information gather, you will be able to know what to give them.

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Is this enough?


No, knowing your customers’ nes and aspirations is the first step. After that, you have to generate actions or content that values ​​them in form and substance. For example, if you want to gain the loyalty of an administrator or guest posts vs. niche edits: which link-building strategy will boost your organic traffic? maintenance person for the machinery you sell, you should be able to generate checklists, advice and courses that make them a better professional.


You will only be assertive if you are timely


The most difficult step is to deliver the loyalty action at the right time, in the right quantity and quality. For this to cz leads happen, you will ne to have data analysis tools, you will have to look beyond your company and start looking at the industry.


In our experience advising companies, we have develop Explora, a system that allows you to analyze how the entire industry interacts on social networks: from what your competition posts, to which profiles comment and share. In this way, we manage to identify relevant topics at the industry level and, in addition, we extract this information associat with personal profiles.


Today, B2B merges with B2H, as the company sells to another company, but communicates and establishes relationships with a human, whom you must get to know and surprise.

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