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The 5 principles of btob customer relations

A quality btob customer relationship is a subtle balance between different factors… Like any relationship, it requires regular exchange and is based on many specific features. So, how can we foster a quality customer relationship in the era of everything connected? At Phone Partners, we believe that good customer relationships form the backbone of a company. In order for it to prosper, customer relationships must be nurtured. Here, we provide you with some of our “must-haves” for a quality customer relationship :

1. A good customer relationship is maintained

A good B2B customer relationship is no exception to the rule of any human relationship ; it requires maintenance in order to last over time… Thus, even if prospecting and acquiring new customers is essential, it must not overshadow the loyalty of existing customers. We know, at Phone Partners , that winning a prospect costs 10 times more than retaining a customer , or that a 5% improvement in loyalty increases profits by 10 to 15%… This is part of our strategy, when we take charge of our clients’ B2B customer relationships .

Attention to the telegram database users list quality of the commercial relationship through customer satisfaction should be one of the priorities of any telemarketing company. This constant search for customer satisfaction meets a dual objective:

  • Increase the frequency of your customers’ purchases;
  • Transform them into prescribers of your services.

telegram database users list

In addition, updating the database by maintaining regular contact allows us to listen to the market and offer the right product or service, at the right time, via the right channel. We favor the quality of a lasting customer relationship over quantity.

2. A good customer relationship is personalized and automated

There is no shortage of means salestech, tools to automate sales processes of communication in the era of hyperconnection ( marketing automation , chatbot, messaging, social networks), and yet, it is hyper-personalization that is, more than ever, on the rise.

Despite the increase in digital conversation volumes, it is appreciable for your btob customers to move away from standardized discourse.
The trend of hyper-personalization of messages is becoming clearer; it is made possible by increasingly active listening systems and the precision of the data collected . The precision of customer profiles is becoming more and more refined. This makes it possible to offer a discourse adapted to the needs of the customer, while respecting the values ​​of your company.

However, automation usa lists is booming (Chatbot, conversational AI) and allows incoming calls to be handled while giving significant autonomy to the customer. Thus, it is a question of creating a subtle balance that will allow the customer to be both independent but completely supported in the customer relationship .

3. A good customer relationship is human

Despite all the technological advances in automation , people remain at the center of customer concerns; sincerity and authenticity are values ​​that are on the rise.

The tele-advisor profession has also evolved to become an expert consultant in customer support and business opportunity development. With people being place at the center of the relationship, the tele-advisor has become a “business developer”. But how can you spot these qualities in your future employees? As specialists in quality customer relations , we offer companies the opportunity to delegate this part to us.

4. Good customer relations support by excellent tools

Having a suitable CRM tool is essential to support a quality customer relationship . One of our roles is to help you choose, implement and configure a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) / Customer Interaction Management (CIM) tool .

The choice of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is important; this tool must be suitable and efficient in terms of operating your customer database (CRM) .

At Phone Partners, we believe that a good commercial CRM is a tool that must absolutely meet business needs. It must imperatively be at the service of third parties who use it…

Our expertise allows us to recommend the commercial CRMs that are closest to your specific needs, but also to support your teams during the deployment of the commercial CRM . The next step is to train the teams to use all the resources of the tool, but also to design and conduct the commercial and marketing actions .

5. A good customer relationship gets people talking

Of course, thanks to social networks , a dissatisfied customer can tarnish the image of a service provider, but it is also possible to enter a virtuous circle when you know how to integrate these tools into a quality commercial strategy .

Thanks to a good loyalty strategy , it is also possible that your customers will become true ambassadors, allowing you to promote the name of your company in a completely organic way.

Ultimately, a successful customer relationship is your best advertisement, so investing in it is essential to growing your business, whatever it may be.

Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relations Managers in the management of remote commercial relationships , by integrating all these specificities into its solutions.