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Shifting budget priorities force many

Agencies to balance the need to innovate with the cost of supporting outdated IT infrastructure. To achieve this balance, the DoD needs a simpler, seamlessly integrated network infrastructure to enable more agile configuration and increase mission response.

To improve network agility

Defense agencies should consider multi-domain service orchestration (MDSO). MDSO is end-to-end service automation across multiple technology network with a multitude of vendors and domain-specific element managers.The biggest issue DoD IT personnel face is the ability to roll out services on a timely basis,” Bob Kimball, Chief Technology Officer of Government Solutions at Ciena stated. “Various vendors offer proprietary management systems for defense networks that are extremely complex. And the more complex these networks are, the more they cost.”

Disparate management systems

Subsequent data silos also pose a threat to national security.  Solutions at CenturyLink, added. In an interview with GovLoop, Barton and Kimball ig database discussed how the DoD could overcome their network challenges and improve agility through MDSO. They also shared how Ciena and CenturyLink – two vendors who work to simplify the process of converging networks – are partnering to provide MDSO capabilities.

special data

Critical mission applications in

The DoD rely on a trusted, reliable and secure making your mark at work network infrastructure. DoD’s Global Information Grid (GIG), for example, is a globally interconnected end-to-end set of information capabilities for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers and support staff. In GIG, a number of vendors, cyber networks, data resources, satellites and radio capabilities are at play.

A satellite can help warfighters in the

Field access critical information and communicate with th. Jeir agency’s chief data center back at central command. But if that satellite is destroyed, the warfig. Jhters would need to switch comm tg data unications over to a commercial satellite before the mission is completely disr. Jupted. However, due to the multivendor environment, configuring the network to connect back to that data center is an intricate, time-intensive process as IT personnel are managing numerous propri. Jetary networks that don’t communicate with each other.

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