As it affects almost all of your regular judgments and choices. Best quote: ” If you care about being seen as credible and intelligent, don’t use complex language where you can achieve the same using simpler language. ”
Originalni (Originals) – Adam Grant
Most of the great discoveries in the world were made by a few people who dared to think differently. These people are original and it is necessary to cultivate originality by recognizing great ideas. Grant highlights ways to build a culture of dissent and combat groupthink.
Everyone thinks the same thing all the time
Ideas are amazingly iterative. Companies imitate the business models of others because being different can be risky. The gains can be great and the losses heavy. Grant shows sellers how to think differently without taking risks. It explains how uruguay phone number library each of us can think outside the box and improve our chances of successfully innovating to make a bigger impact. Any change activates feelings like fear, doubt and anger.
To discover your own original ideas
The author of Blue Ocean
Strategy advises to avoid mutual competition and focus on innovation. Instead of a “red ocean” full of rivals and competitors fighting for an ever-increasing share, companies should look for a new market space in which to establish dominance.
The goal of the “blue ocean”
Strategy is for companies to find and develop “blue oceans”, i.e. uncontrolled developing markets, and to avoid “red oceans”, i.e. undeveloped, oversaturated 1000 mobile phone numbers markets. In a “blue ocean” companies would have more success, less risk and increased profits in that market. Best quote: ” The first principle of the blue ocean strategy is the reconstruction of market boundaries with the aim of separating from the competition and creating a blue ocean.