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More Things About Paul Let the Fun begin

Today is a deviation from my normal technical website information or marketing details. Today is all about ME! Well, I will be telling you a few things about me that you may not have known. Why am I doing this? Well, today starts the October 2017 Ultimate Blog Challenge – I am going to be writing 31 posts in 31 days.

This has many benefits including attracting new

visitors to the site. Since there are some new folks here, I saudi arabia phone number data thought I would tell you all a little bit about me – some things that even my friends may not know! Is there anything else to say at this point? I don’t think so. In that case… Without further adieu, here we go! I am currently living in NJ. Been here for about 29 years now. Before that, I was in NY.

Phone Number Data

I have been working online as my sole

income for about 2.5 years now. I was in the Insurance tg data Industry for 27 years prior to leaving on my own wishes. My company has been officially registered since 2001. All my online and website work was part-time back then. I have a Harley Davidson motorcycle that I enjoy riding! Great for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. We (my company, Digital Maestro) have recently backed up our 1,000th website a short while ago.

The actual number is higher than that – but it self-operated seo vs. seo optimization broke the 1,000 mark since we started to really track the numbers. I am in the middle of becoming an Infusionsoft Certified Partner! Infusionsoft is a CRM that handles all your contacts, sales, products, emails, etc. I LOVE SCUBA diving. Any chance I can get, I will go diving. Weather permitting, I will start my day with a cup of coffee sitting on the porch.

I am a bone-marrow donor. I was a match for a recipient a few years ago. It was a bit painful, and I would do it again if I was a match. I never knew the person, and will never know him. I also donate platelets on a regular basis – about once a month. This is the part of the blood that helps the bleeding to stop. It is a 2-hour procedure to collect them.

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