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If you’re using WordPress, you coul

You could use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to compare the loading performance of webpages with compressed and uncompressed images. PageSpeed Insights can also help you identify which images on the webpage are taking too long to load. There are a lot of free image compressor tools that are available online. You could also take a look at Imagemin which is recommended by Google because it can compress a wide variety of image format. I highly recommend that you compress your images before uploading them to your website. But how about images that are existing on your website? Do you have to re-upload all of them? Don’t worry. d download plugins that can automatically compress all images on your website.

We recommend using WP Smush. 8. Add

Structured Data Marking up your pages with structured data can make your images eligible for rich results and badges that could make your images more visually appealing in the search results and attract more clicks. Currently, only three structured data types for images are accepted by Google. I’ve also included a link to Google’s guidelines that you should follow. Product Video Recipe Take note that structured data for images is just like regular search results. It doesn’t affect rankings directly but it could increase your click-through rate. 9. Use an Image Sitemap XML sitemaps help Google crawl the pages of your website. They usually include URLs only but you could also add images in your XML sitemap or create a separate image sitemap and submit it to Google.

Google automatically crawls images inside

posts and pages but there are situations where Google is unable to find images. Creating a separate image sitemap is optional but Google’s bot is more than happy to use it if it’s available. You could create an image sitemap on your own if you are knowledgeable in web development but if not, I highly recommend that you use image sitemap generators to skip the hassle. 10. Use an Image CDN An image CDN is a great investment if you want to really boost the loading speed of your website. In general, a CDN or content delivery network distributes your website content/resources to the nearest possible data center location of a user.

The closer a server is to a user, the faster a webpag

e load. There are quite a few differences  cayman islands phone number library between a regular CDN and an image CDN. Not only does image CDN’s improve the delivery times of images but also define other factors such as image format, file size, aspect ratio, and quality. Using an image CDN can cost you some money but it is definitely recommended for large websites especially those with an international user base. Image SEO Key Takeaway When Google started pre-announcing broad core algorithm updates back in 2019, the SEO community rejoiced. However, Google makes changes every day in their algorithm and thousands every year. Broad core algorithm updates happen multiple times a year, but there are algorithm updates that happen more frequently.

Their effects are unfelt at times but often they

make enough noise to be noticed by the SEO community but not big enough to be announced by Google. These are called unconfirmed Google Algorithm updates. In algorithm updates, there are some who win and some who lose. That is also why SEOs are always on high alert for disturbances in the search results and it is easy to panic when you see news or talks about unconfirmed algorithm updates. But should you really worry about them? What are Uncorfimed Google Algorithm Updates? Unconfirmed Google Algorithms are unusual volatility and fluctuations in the search results. They are called unconfirmed because Google has no announcements about them and they are usually detected and reported by the SEO community.

When Do They Happen? There is no actual wa

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y to predict when an unconfirmed Google  focus on your target audience update is going to happen. As I’ve mentioned earlier, Google makes changes every single day. Oftentimes, these changes won’t have effects that would merit any noise but there are times people notice the effects like fluctuations in rankings and traffic. Unconfirmed Google algorithm updates can also happen multiple times a week or month. Should you be Worried? The scale of unconfirmed Google Algorithm updates is far less than broad core algorithm updates and there is quite a low chance of getting affected by it. Usually, only a small portion of websites will notice these fluctuations or a certain niche.

So no, you shouldn’t be all that worried when

you see talks about unconfirmed algorithm  tg data updates. In my experience, the websites that we handle rarely get affected by these updates. If we do get affected, we usually just notice movements in the rankings but not enough to cause panic and they go back to normal after a day or two. From January 2021 to the time of this writing (March 18, 2021), there have been 9 unconfirmed algorithm updates that were reported by the community. There were no noticeable traces of effects in the websites that our team handles. Here are some samples from our websites: SEO-Hacker.com screenshot of seo-hacker.com traffic with red arrows indicating times of unconfirmed algorithm updates The traffic of Health Website screenshot of the traffic of a health website The traffic of a Food Catering Website screenshot of traffic of a food catering website re pointing to days where algorithm updates were reported and as you can see, they were pretty normal.