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I give you an idea: payment model based on customer

Imagine a business, service, product where the user only pays for what he thinks is right . I know, it’s probably one of my worst ideas in the world and I’m already seeing some comments saying that the Spanish would take full advantage of this type of proposal. I would say to them. What if it isn’t like that? What if there is a way to make thi

s type of pricing strategy profitable?

I’ll tell you my idea. It is obvious that if you have a significant cost of purchasing a product, this type of strategy can ruin you. So, even though it usa whatsapp number data a launch, I am not an idiot. So let’s test it with soda. Imagine that you offer a service that can be contracted online.


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It can be of any type: training, consulting,

accounting, programming, etc. The client would have to hire it by reserving the total payment on his card. In order to deduct this amount from his account, the service must first be delivered. And now comes the element that differentiates it from

all the rest (or so I think). To find

out the total amount your client is willing to pay, you would ask them to fill out a questionnaire. If they are 100% satisfied, they would buying house b pay the full price for the service . If they are only 66% satisfied, only two thirds of the amount

reserved on their card would be deducted.

In the worst case scenario, a customer would rate you on all parts with 0 points so they don’t have to pay anything. To ensure that you get paid, how to avoid disappointment in life  yo  out the questionnaire are supposedly 100% satisfied so they would be charged the full amount. My theory is that most clients would be 7