Home » Blog » Do you want to know why a good employee left your company?

Do you want to know why a good employee left your company?

If your employee has left his job and you want to know the real reasons for his leaving, then after at least two weeks, and even better a month, let a personnel specialist or one of his colleagues call him and conduct an EXIT interview. This is the only way you will find out the real reasons for leaving, because if you ask on the same day, there is a 99% chance that you will be lied to. What were your reasons for leaving? Hhy did you decide to leave the company?

What did the other company offer you that you accepted the offer and left this company?

What did you value in this company? That didn’t you like about this company? That was your relationship like with your manager? Head gambling data japan of department? Colleagues? Did you feel comfortable going to talk to your manager about problems? That could the manager improve about his leadership? What did you like most about this type of work?

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What didn’t you like?

That would you change about this job? Did you the regulations impose have clear goals and knew what was expected of you? What would you recommend for us to create a better workplace? That kind of person do you think we should look for in your workplace? What needs to happen for you to consider working for this company again in the future?

Would you recommend the company as a good place

To work to your friends and family? Do you buying house b have any other comments to help us understand why you left, what we can improve, and what we can do to become a better company? The elementary power of marketing to retain or regain a lost customer Only by knowing your customer well can you satisfy their needs and be profitable.

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