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Do you know what cross-selling is?

Being in the marketing field means that any article, book, idea, map, brochure, activity is about something to work on. So, if it happens that one day the boss comes and asks, – Why are you wasting your time reading Women Lie Better? A marketing specialist can quite reasonably say: – I do research and generate new ideas. Marketing is like Magic. Even after carefully planning and calculating everything to the smallest detail, you may not get a positive result.

Or vice versa – you can be successful

Without doing anything. But the most important moment that makes marketing so interesting is that absolute, magical moment when you chinese in europe succe, when all the research, planning, strategies, ideas, headaches and litas invest pay off big, and then you realize that there can be nothing better than at that moment. Direct selling is a method of selling in which an additional product or service is sold to the same customer, unrelat to the characteristics of the main product or service.

special data

The sales process includes

The Marketing Department and the Sales create custom landing pages Department. Procures must be creat on the basis of the describ process: additional – cross-selling rules of services; catalog of additional – cross-services; additional – cross-service presentation information material (presentations, templates of commercial offers). There are a few basic rules to follow when using the cross-selling method: offer an additional product to the user only when he has purchas the main product; additional products offer cannot be more than three, and their features cannot be relat to the main product.

For example You main product is a table

An  additional product can be a lamp, a bulk lead carpet or a chair; if the user, after the first offer, refus to buy, offer again, because this is usually the primary, reckless psychological behavior of the user; if the user refuses your offer to purchase an additional product several times, you should not offer it a third time.

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