A specialist in mobile marketing for almost 20 years, Digitaleo now supports more than 550 brands from all sectors of activity.
To meet the needs of our network customers whose local teams often work on the move, we have developed a mobile version of Digitaleo , for simple and rapid use of our platform on a daily basis.
In this article we will see how Digitaleo can help networks to obtain more responsiveness Digitaleo now available on mobile and involvement from their local teams thanks to this mobile version. You will also find testimonials from our customers O2 and Compagnie des Déboucheurs.
1. Why a mobile version?
2. The main features of the mobile version of Digitaleo
3. Testimonials from our first users: O2 and La Compagnie des Déboucheurs
1. Why a mobile version?
Our customers consider mobility as an essential need to ig database a solution that is easy to use on the move. By launching our Digitaleo web app in addition to our desktop version, we are perfectly meeting the operational needs of networks.
Julie VallaudeJulie Vallaude, communications manager for the La Compagnie des Déboucheurs network, a pipe unblocking company, explains: “The mobile version is important within our network to encourage franchisees to communicate locally and to monitor their communication actions. They need to be able to quickly create posts between their interventions.”
Digitaleo thus allows La Compagnie des Déboucheurs franchisees to easily send communications between their interventions without having access to a computer.
Why a web app?
We opted for the development of a web app rather than a mobile application. The installation process is therefore very simple, no downloads or updates to perform . To find out more, we explain everything here .
2. The main features of the mobile version of Digitaleo
The premises can now publish on social networks and manage its customer how to appear on instagram explore page from the Digitaleo web app. We have prioritized actions with frequent use, which require significant responsiveness.
Post on social media
Publishing content on Facebook is one of the first features of our aleart news version. It allows your local teams to publish frequently and easily 2 to 3 posts per week to increase the visibility of your brand. Here are the details of the features:
Create and schedule a Facebook post quickly by accessing their photo gallery
Use templates you shared with them or create their own posts
View their posts and status (completed, scheduled, pending)
Quickly view the performance of their campaigns
plan-comm-mobileFacebook Campaigns Available on Mobile Version
These features will soon be available on Instagram for publishing posts and sharing stories.
Manage customer reviews
You probably already know this if you are used to reading our articles, to improve your brand image, it is advisable to respond to your customer reviews within 48 hours. Thanks to our mobile version, your affiliates become more efficient in managing their reviews and improve their e-reputation. Concretely, Digitaleo allows them to:
View their Google and Facebook reviews
Filter their reviews by platform (Google or Facebook) and by status (to be processed, not responded to, responded to)
Create response templates to respond even faster.