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Delivering Value always wins

In our daily lives, we are all exposed to receiving information that seeks to promote or influence a purchase, but who wins that race? Based on my experience as a digital entrepreneur, B2B consultant and consumer, the winner is the one who delivers value in the right way and time. So, if we want to create or gain opportunities through digital channels, we must establish as our main challenge the generation of value in my B2B Digital Marketing strategy.


How to generate value in my B2B digital marketing strategy?


First, you need to know your customer and treat them like a human. One trend that exists and is establishing itself as a new standard is B2H (Business to Human), which is led by companies like Facebook, Amazon and Uber. This new way of seeing the customer is characterized by wanting to know them on a deeper level: what their desires are, what fears they face when making the decision and what they hope to achieve with my purchase.


Although in the B2B world our consumer is a company, the person who buys, uses and analyzes is a person. That is where we must sri lanka phone number library reach with the right message at the right time and place. Also, when we talk about digital strategies, we do not mention a specific channel (search engines, social networks, apps, email), because it depends 100% on customer knowledge.



phone number library


How do I get to know my potential client?


In our B2B Digital Marketing methodology, we have established the generation of creative data, which we define as differentiators this not only helps build trust for your business. Creative data allows you to obtain information about your competition, what topics they publish and know the profile of those who interact with them, identifying their address, topics they comment on, and share.


In this way, we manage to generate thousands

Of data points that, when exploited, give us valuable information such as what topic your client likes and when they share it. Through cz leads this, you will be able to communicate with your clients in a more assertive, close and human way about what generates value for them.


Furthermore, as B2B Digital Marketing consultants, we promote the delivery of digital tools that allow you to obtain information at the right time to make decisions. In addition, we support you with the training of your Sales and Marketing team, with the aim of internalizing the strategy and transforming it into one of your competitive advantages.