B2B e-commerce
Posted on 23-05-2019 @ 14:07
B2B e-commerce involves the purchase and sale of products or services between companies through digital means.
There is a misconception that e-commerce is only successful for sales to the end consumer. However, this is not the case and I will give you two reasons that prove that B2B e-commerce has always been the winner.
On the one hand, the first major sales
Flows through digital channels were generated by B2B portals. For more than 20 years, B2B companies have been generating business through the generation of purchase orders, payment orders and inventory management south africa phone number library through B2B portals (ARIBA is a leader today). Before Amazon, Ali Express or Ebay existed, B2B portals were the major sales generators. And, of course, they continue to be so today, but with less visibility for the traditional consumer.
On the other hand
If your company manages to correctly implement a B2B digital strategy, the chances of success are better than B2C companies. Why? The key is in your sales ticket. In my experience as a digital entrepreneur if you wish, you can set up your computer and advisor to B2B companies, we have managed to generate business with a ticket value of more than US$60,000, which is 100% produced by channels such as the client’s website, social networks, and more.
How do we achieve a successful B2B digital strategy?
First of all, it is important to be fully aware of a list of questions: Who is your customer and where are they? What is your sales flow? What is your digital corporate culture? After having clarity on these aspects, you must generate a cz leads strategy based on strong hypotheses with expert advice on digital channels and, above all, driven by data (Big Data).
At Eglobal One we have developed a strategy called EG1, which covers all the points mentioned above. We have successfully implemented this methodology in large and medium-sized companies, causing an impact in Latin America. Why is it successful? Because we are B2B specialists, we know the digital world and, above all, our goal is for your company to create digital assets and competitive advantages in digital channels.