Present events and trends in the market in which you operate, with some notes on what should happen in the near future, so that the reader is better inform and understands your concern in bringing relevant content to the network.
Strengthen these posts with numbers and reliable research sources, increasing the consistency of your publication.
Tips and tutorials
“How-to” posts attract a large audience on the internet and are popular on blogs. Hacks and tutorials always attract attention and provide interesting content that can be easily appli and shar.
You don’t ne to “reinvent india email list the wheel” for this type of post. Talk about a tool that helps you be more productive, or a small change in your routine that has improv your quality of life and positively impact your performance.
In addition to demonstrating generosity, sharing this knowlge greatly strengthens your personal brand on LinkIn.
Call to Action
Try to end your posts by inviting the reader to take some action, such as commenting on whether or not they agree with your position, bringing some news about the subject or even sharing if they find the content relevant.
This tactic helps your post
Stand out more on the network and encourages people to participate.
What posts should be avoid?
Yes, LinkIn should be us to its fullest to show your impressions and share interesting information with your network. However the key to unlocking your potential before pressing the “Publish” button, it is always a good idea to reread and consider whether the content does not fit into any of the situations list below.
Inflammatory afb directory posts
Making an angry post or comment can be a real “shot in the foot”. Badmouthing your former company or coworker gives your profile a very negative image, which goes completely against building a good personal brand on the network.